Facilitation for farm mechanization

Mechanisation of dairy farms is expected to reduce the cost of labour and overcome the paucity of efficient milkers as well as in scientific waste disposal. Promoting hygienic practices for clean milk production is a key objective of this scheme. MRDF deals with purchase and sale of various farm equipments to the benefit of dairy farmers. The inputs for Dairy Farm Mechanisation include milking machines, rubber mats, pressure washers, slurry pumps, chaff cutters, plastic cow drinkers etc.
To support this activity, MRCMPU provides subsidy through APCOS for purchase of these items from MRDF based on norms fixed by MRCMPU Ltd.

Slno Item Price (Rs) Subsidy (Rs)
1 Milking Machine Single bucket (Delaval) 71400
2 Milking Machine Double bucket (Delaval) 104400
3 Milking Machine Four bucket (Delaval) 177500
4 Rubber Mat 6 x 4 Normal Type 2350
5 Rubber Mat 6 x 4 Lock Type 2350
6 Rubber Mat 6.5 x 4 Normal Type 2500
7 Rubber Mat 7 x 4 Normal Type 2700
8 Pressure Washer Type 1 7400
9 Pressure Washer Type 2 10200
10 Slurry Pump 14500
11 Slurry Pump heavy 27250
12 Water Bowl 2000
13 Chaff Cutter Motorised 1.5 HP 29000
14 Chaff Cutter Motorised 2 HP with Pulveriser 44900
15 Iconica Chaff Cutter Motorised 3 HP 37900
16 Generator 3 KVA Honda 106900
17 Non Kick Bar 7729
18 Calf feeding bottle 450
19 Calf feeding bucket with nipple 1015
20 Solar Lantern 2500
21 Mist machine 16000
22 Mist machine heavy 25500
23 Dairy fan 36000
24 Honda engine and MM Stand with accessories 20000