Farm Tourism

Farm tourism in Kerala is being developed as a relatively new tourism product. Kerala, being an agricultural dominated state, has tremendous potential for developing Farm Tourism in a big way without much additional investment.

As a part of Farm tourism activities, MRDF invites the Board of Directors of other successful dairy co-operative Unions in India for interacting and exchanging success stories to each other. As part of the programme the visiting team, interacts with the Managing Director and Board of Directors of Malabar Milk Union and there after visits successful dairy co-operatives, dairy farms, farmers and visit tourist destinations in the state and outside. MRDF facilitates the programme and promotes responsible tourism.

Gusts at Boat building yard at Beypore, Kozhikode
Elephant ride at Pookkode, Wayanad
Gusts from Bhanas Milk Union, Gujarat at a Tea Plantation in Wayanad