Market intervention in alternate cattle feeds and fodder
MRDF deals in procurement and distribution of green fodder, baled straw, maize powder, cotton seed cake, groundnut cake and
wheat bran at a nominal service fee. The service is made available to the milk producers through the milk co-operatives as a market
intervention to keep the prices at low levels. A Total Mixed Ration (TMR) plant has been installed by MRCMPU in Pattanchery of Palakkad district,
the operation of which was also taken over by MRDF.
The farmers have the traditional habit of feeding their animals with alternate feeds like maize powder, wheat bran,
cotton seed cake, ground nut cake etc. The farmers normally purchase these items from local shops at high prices.
The qualities of such items are not assured. As a part of market intervention to provide quality materials at reasonable prices,
MRDF supply these materials through the milk co-operative societies. The MRDF sells baled paddy straw at low cost to the farmers
through the societies. The trust also operates a plant leased out from MRCMPU and sell Total Mixed Ration (TMR) feed which ensures higher
production of milk and provides adequate nutrition and health to the animals. Subsidised feed for the Heifer Development Programme (HDP),
implemented by MRCMPU is also supplied from the Pattanchery TMR Plant