The feed given for dairy cattle may be broadly classified into two types
1) Roughages (contain more fibre )
    Eg: Green fodder like grass, legumes and tree leaves and dry fodder like hay and straw.
2) Concentrates (contain less fibre)
    Eg: Grains like maize, rice, wheat etc, Cakes like coconut, cotton seed and groundnut cakes, brans like rice bran, wheat bran etc.
TMR or Total Mixed Ration is a complete feed made by proper mixing of the roughages and concentrates. The ingredients in Dairy Fresh TMR feed are alfalfa/rosemary/groundnut / maize hay, grains like maize, tapioca powder, brans like rice bran, chunnies of black gram, green gram, turd al, masur dal, molasses, salt, mineral mixture, humic natural complex etc.
Advantages of feeding TMR
1) Improvement in health, milk production, and quality of milk of dairy cows.
2) Regular heat and higher conception rate.
3) Better option for high yielding animal rearing farmers who face land constraint for grass production in Kerala.
4) Control of metabolic diseases due to imbalanced concentrate feeding like laminitis (lameness), digestive disorders like bloat, diarrhoea and sub acute ruminal acidosis (SARA), ketosis etc.
5) Feeding becomes less time consuming.
How to feed
Drastic change of feed can cause indigestion in cows. Half kg TMR may be introduced to the cow along with usual feed. According to the milk production, increase the amount of TMR and decrease other feeds gradually. TMR is in mash form, so may be mixed along with chopped green fodder and fed. Mixing in large amount of water and feeding is not advised.